Over 1.8 million Muslim-background people now call Europe home.
Many of them are not citizens. They may not fluently speak the language of their host countries and many are disillusioned with the only faith they have ever known — Islam. They are immigrants and refugees fleeing war and poverty in Middle-Eastern countries.
However, their presence in Europe — while stemming from tragedy — poses an opportunity that the Body of Christ has never seen before. That is an opportunity to freely share the life-giving news of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
This opportunity has already seen great fruit. According to several reliable European and American news sources, the refugee crisis in Europe has created a new surge of interest in Christianity. A church in Berlin has recently grown from 150 to 700 (mostly Muslim-background converts). In May of 2016, 80 Muslim refugees were baptized in a church in Hamburg. We are seeing this kind of fruit in other areas of Europe such as the United Kingdom, Austria, Greece, Bosnia, France, and elsewhere.
These numbers are real and they reveal the Holy Spirit’s work among Muslim-background people across Europe. The 10/40 Window, which refers to parts of the developing/majority world that have little Christian presence, is now showing itself in Europe.
Do you want to be a part of one of this century’s greatest Christian turning points?
The time is now and the place is Europe — the new great mission field.