We are heading back to a small country in the Balkans for our next Spiritual Climate Survey. In this series, Pioneers throughout Europe sit down with a local church member to discuss the church’s appearance and vitality in their home nation.
This entry is an interview with Pastor Besim in Kosovo. A local Pioneers team worships and serves alongside Pastor Besim’s church where he has been ministering since the war (1998-1999). Besim pastors a small congregation where about half of the city’s 30 known believers worship regularly. Pastor Besim is experienced in ministry and loves serving the local people both within and outside the local church.
In this series, we have sought the opinions of local brothers and sisters to help us gain understanding of the spiritual context that surrounds us here in Europe. The views expressed belong to those being interviewed and as such do not necessarily represent any official stance of Pioneers in Europe. Please join us in seeking to better understand the experiences of others and respond in prayer to our heavenly Father who sees and understands all things clearly.
What are the demographics of the population you live and serve among?
The population in the city is 175,000 and in the country is 1,800,000.
- The city is 85% Albanian, the other 15% is mostly Bosniak and Turkish.
How would you describe the health and spiritual practices of the local church in your area?
The health of the church in my area is good (from good, very good, excellent and bad). They are persistent to establish themselves in the Word of God, gathering and prayer, serving in community.
What geopolitical events have been affecting the people in your area and the rhythms of your local church recently?
War and postwar time. Many people had to start from scratch after losing their houses in the war. Some evacuated on foot and returned to nothing. A decade after the war, they became more materialistic again.
- If you would like to learn more about the war in Kosovo, you can view this video.
What portions of the population in your area have been the most and least open to God in recent years?
The younger generation is most open to God. The middle and older generations are the least open.
What else are people trusting in in your area? What do people fear?
People believe in God through Islamic belief and are attracted to materialism, Gnosticism and hedonism. People fear opinion, migration, confusion and unpredictable times.
Apart from spiritual needs, what are the greatest needs in your area?
The economy, low salary, water and electricity.
What patterns have you seen in ministry in your area?
Sharing the gospel more, baptizing and teaching the church the first principles of faith as the local church has become more responsible for its people.
Do various evangelicals in your area work together? Is there unity in the church?
Not so much recently. Not all the churches are in unity. There has been more division recently, though there is still some unity.
What encouragement would you appreciate as a local minister?
More co-laborers. New local potential leaders.
Where do you see room for the global church to serve in your area?
The global church needs to rethink about whom to send, to have the model and counsel of apostles for criteria (see Acts and the pastoral epistles), to evaluate their role and service in their local churches first (see Antioch model at Acts 13). The best advice for the global church is to be partners and support the local leader’s vision to multiply churches and establish them solidly and in sound doctrine.
The pioneers in Kosovo have asked that we join them in prayer. Pray for the Church of Kosovo to be able to forgive, for unity among the believers and churches, for freedom from a culture of skepticism, competition, and accusations. Pray for the pastors and local believers as depression and hopelessness infiltrates the church and often prevents boldness in sharing the Gospel.
Would you like to learn more about Pastor’s Besim’s perspective on what God is doing among the people of Kosovo? Would you like to inquire about serving with the team in Kosovo? Use the link below to send us those inquiries.
Thank you to Pastor Besim and the local Pioneers team for sharing your insights into your local church partnership in Kosovo!