
The War in Ukraine, Trauma, Courage, and the Witness of the Church - Jim and Ruth

In this episode we check in with Jim and Ruth, missionaries who were serving in Kyiv. They talk about their call to ministry both in Russia and in the Ukraine, their decision to move temporarily to Warsaw, the work they're doing in Poland to provide trauma care to Ukrainian refugee women and children, the powerful witness of their Ukrainian church, and how the violence of the war came to the doorstep of their apartment courtyard today.

The War in Ukraine, Crisis and Opportunity at the Polish Border

In this episode we hear from Craig, a missionary in Poland near the border of Ukraine. Craig, his family, and his team were instantly engaged in meeting the needs of the humanitarian crisis of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. You'll hear some of the 'on the ground' stories of what's happening at the border, how the team is serving as a bridge into life and safety in Poland, and how you can pray for and support the work of meeting the urgent needs of these refugees.

Help Ukrainian Refugees

For several years, Pioneers teams in Eastern Europe have been serving refugees streaming into that region of the world from North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. A new crisis, the war in Ukraine, will bring with it a fresh wave of displaced people in need of care. You can help our teams in Eastern Europe as they partner with local believers and respond with immediate assistance to those attempting to rebuild their lives—both with physical relief and spiritual encouragement.

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