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Do you have a heart for immigrants and refugees? If so, consider joining our team in Cardiff, United Kingdom. The PIONEERS team has partnered in gospel ministry for many years with churches in the city and currently five units are serving.
In a city of millions, comprised of nearly every people group in the world, how might you get the opportunity to connect with individuals and truly impact lives?
The Ministry Centre partnership works closely with a church in North Kensington to offer a variety of programs that draw in nearby Muslim-background families and provides a platform for a variety of engagements with individuals and families. By offering a weekly homework club, monthly craft activity & ladies’ lunch, and other points of connection and ministry, entire families are blessed and engaged while children are assisted, mothers are chatted to, and relationships are established.
Partnership members then volunteer in various churches and community centers, providing mentoring and assistance to refugees, and go into homes to offer more individualized tutoring. All of these opportunities serve as a platform for introducing spiritual topics into conversation and enabling life-on-life relational evangelism to take place.
Are you ready to offer your time in volunteering, service, and making a connection with these unreached peoples, so that they don’t become lost amidst the busyness and anonymity of London? Come for a short- or long-term experience and join us in the partnership!
A marginalised and often overlooked Islamic sect, the Shia Ismaili Muslims have their roots in North Africa, the Persian world, and India and are moving into western Europe. They have adopted London as one of their modern heartlands, home to a majority of the 14,000 Ismailis in the UK and featuring one of only 6 worldwide Ismaili centers and also their academic base, the Institute of Ismaili Studies. They have a public presence and well-established community…what they need is the Gospel. Are you being called to join those who have a vision to see the unreached Ismailis encounter the living Christ?
The Tandoor Team - Leeds, UK
Join our team in the north of England as we seek to engage and reach the thousands of Muslims from various backgrounds here in the City.
Team Tandoor exists to share Jesus with the unreached South Asians of Leeds and to mentor and disciple new believers in the Christian faith, equipping them to be witnesses and disciple makers in their own communities. Team Tandoor works in partnership with like-minded local churches, sharing together in outreach, prayer and discipleship with them.
Team Tandoor seeks men and women who:
... have a desire to befriend and witness to Muslims (and Hindus and Sikhs) through door to door visiting (e.g.Project Jalfrezi an on going door knocking activity ).
- ... are able to commit for a minimum of 1-2 years.
- ... aspire to be part of a prayerful and supportive team.
- ... are ready to learn (Team Tandoor makes use of a course that helps ‘ordinary Christians to discuss good news with ordinary Muslims’, see http://friendshipfirst.org/; team members will also be taught simple greetings in Urdu/Hindi and given many helpful insights in to British Asian culture).
- ... are excited about seeing Muslim/Hindu & Sikh background believers established in the faith.
Just as it was in the days of Jesus there are those in this world who would do their best to disrupt, undermine and destroy the work of the Gospel. Pioneers must be careful about their online communications. In an increasingly connected world, it is easy to be exposed or hacked to the detriment of the Gospel. One Pioneers team is dedicated to stopping it. Headquartered in the UK, they establish IT security for both Pioneers church planters on the field and missionaries from other organizations.
This team seeks an individual to provide administrative, technical and business leadership to the IT team operating in the UK. This individual would work with the Chief Operating Officer of the Media Departmet to help ensure that the department is financially viable. This team also needs more team members with specialization in networking, programming, systems integration, security and the help-desk. This is a great opportunity that holds the ropes for so many Pioneers who are laboring for the sake of Christ. Apply here or contact Pioneers with any questions.
Explore your role in the Great Commission while gaining experience in the different aspects of church planting, like evangelism, discipleship, intercessory prayer and discovery Bible studies. In a safe and nurturing environment you will have the opportunity to grow in your spiritual walk and your knowledge and practice of God’s Word in the context of building relationships with Chinese immigrants living in the UK.
Join a church-planting team working among Chinese immigrants short- or long-term. Get experience building relationships with Chinese while teaching English to Chinese and other international students, minister to Chinese mothers and their children. Learn to share the Gospel with the Chinese immigrants who are eager to learn about God and facilitate Bible studies for those who are seekers and new believers. You will enjoy this vibrant ministry while living and working in the UK with this team.